Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quick update

Our last blog was in October and we had been keeping in touch with people via email up until November and unfortunately since then I (Sarah Ann) have been without much internet access so I haven't been able to update people via the blog, email or even facebook.

Here's the short story:
Our time was up at the townhome we were renting in Big Lake, MN and the apartments the we could afford that were close to Brandon's work didn't have an opening so I moved to the U.P. of Michigan with Riley to live with my parents and Brandon stayed with some friends in MN to continue working there.

The original plan was just to do that for one month before we could join again and move into whatever new place opened up. But that plan changed when my dad has to schedule a surgery that would leave him needing daily care at home. So Riley and I have stayed in the U.P. with my parents so I could help take care of my dad. He continues to need daily care at home and can't do much but that's mostly because his leg is trying to heal up from an infection in his bone so he's not supposed to walk around much.

Unfortunately we don't have a short or long term goal except that we will make sure we are back together before the baby is born (due March 25). We are praying everyday about the next step to take and we are only ever sure of the step God wants us to take at the moment but never sure about where that step is taking us and what the next step will be.

Please pray for us as we continue to trust God in a more real way than we ever have before.

On a lighter and happier note:
Riley is being potty trained (currently on day #3) and it's going great, most all of the teaching has been learned we are just working on making everything a habit. He's as wonderful as ever and having lots of fun with Nana, Grumps, Auntie Abby, cousin Conrad, Grantie Susie and my sister's dog Jack!

The pregnancy is going great; we are still thinking it's going to be a girl and plan on naming her Ella Jane Dukes!

Sorry for the delay in updating this and the lack of photos or fun things to see; this internet connection just can't handle anything beyond the basics.
Please feel free to call our cell phones at anytime, that's really our only form of communication right now.

Love you all! Or as Riley would say "Uv you too!"


Anonymous said...

Finally an update!

I am glad you can be of help to your dad. Please greet him from us.

Brandon it would be great hanging out with you sometime. Let me know when it would work for you.

Glad to hear Riley has made the big step. Wow. He is a big boy now.

Keep us updated with work, housing and the like.


sam said...

Hey, thanks for the update! Hope your dad is feeling better. I will keep you guys in prayer about the housing situation.
Riley is such a cute kid and is going to make a great big brother!

John VanDusen said...

Pretty soon you will be baby-'n!! :)