One of the things that is way different about where I grew up is the lesser amount of new cars on the road. People really know how to get their miles out of a box of metal.
I grew up in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan (the UP) which has a similar culture to northern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota. Some call it "back woods" or something like the Iron Range. Whatever you call it, it is different from other places and may even seem behind-the-times. But that's where I grew up and I am proud of the things I learned that I would not have learned anywhere else.
Please share your stories of how effecient you or your "back woods" friends and family are. And if it's your heritage your boasting about please leave some fun facts or links so we can appreciate it more!
If you have a really good story I will respond with one of my favorite Yooper (someone from the UP) phrase: "Holy Wa!"
More fun Yooper stuff:
That's a good sighn dar, eh! :)
Yah - you betcha!
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