Sunday, April 20, 2008

The real reason I was finally motivated enough to take the time to blog again...

First we were worried about him hating tummy-time, then someone (with all the love in their heart) told us he would be stupid if he didn't crawl first and all that turned out just fine!

He has been semi-stable on his feet for a while but wasn't interested in walking on his own - and now that has come too!

P.S. Watch for the couple of times that I ask him, "Where's Riley's tongue?" - That's his other fun trick for the week!


Anonymous said...

Great video Sarah! I am so glad that you guys started blogging again. What a cutie you have there! Hope you guys are well!
- Emily

Anonymous said...

What a completely adorable kid! Great to see that you're blogging again! ~Amy

Anonymous said...

It is really great to be blogging again - we have really missed our far away and international friends!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute, he has grown so much. My nephew and my dad never crawled! They hopped sitting on their butts. That worked out fine for them! :)

Anonymous said...

Mirjam, if your kid hops we will definitely need to see that on your blog.
- Sarah Ann

The Awkward Dancer said...

So CUTE!! He's getting so big!!