Tuesday, July 14, 2009

There's still hope for my chick flick sickness!

Note: This is kind of the conclusion to the previous post.

All of the distressed women of the world who tirelessly watch chick flick and seek to understand men and long for that click flick experience can now be satisfied!

Coming to a heart near you (a.k.a. your heart) is the man who doesn't need to sleep and can watch over you night and day
- the one who can read the mind of those around you to keep you from harm (but longs to hear you tell him your thoughts and desires as if your the only mind he can't read)
- the one who has super human speed and physical ability
- the one who whisk you to the top of an ancient tree overlooking a beautiful mountain valley!


I know it sounds cheesy but really, God is the one!
AND EVEN MORE, God is the explanation for why we have these longings in the first place!

QUESTION: Why would God create in us a longing to be loved in such an extreme way if no man could fulfill that desire?
ANSWER(DUH!): Because men are not supposed to fulfill that desire for us - only God can!

SOURCE OF MY 'FINALLY UNDERSTANDING': The Bible (duh again!) and Mike Bickle's teachings on the Song of Songs. (Thanks for lending this to me Jonas!)

Song of Songs 2:3 - "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest"
Jesus is like the one and only apple tree among all the trees in the woods - the only one that can really satisfy our hunger!

Song of Songs 2:4 - "Let him lead me to the banquet hall"
The'happily ever after' happens when the two lovers are wedded and they celebrate their love for each other over a feast at the wedding reception!

(There's tons more that I am learning but these are just a few of the tidbits that apply to the chick flick sickness.)


Sounds too perfect for Hollywood, that wouldn't make for a good movie without the conflict and climax where it looks like it's all going to fall apart!

Oh, wait, there's another trying to steal the affections of the bride-to-be?!
Oh no, he's really sneaky, and super suave, she doesn't even notice what's happening!

And the audience feels like screaming at the women: "Are you stupid? Can't you see what this other deceptive guy is trying to do!"
You almost want to shut it off because she's just too stupid!

Actually there's way too much conflict and too much heart ache thinking about the bride giving so many of her affections away elsewhere and not to the groom - and what a cliffhanger it would be unless you mentioned the big comeback by the groom!


Well, I have decided my life can be the ultimate chick flick and all I have to do is enjoy the presence and crazy love of God. Easier said than done but totally worth it all!

Again, I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly had a really long blonde moment or something and just realized how click flicks have a great place in God's ultimate design!
