Everyone finally got fed up with the Minnesota winter and took off on me!
- Brandon is in California on a business trip for a week and is currently at Disney/not working (his second time at a Disney without his wife and child, both of which have never been to any Disney or theme park).
- The Sjostroms are in India for a couple weeks and I am praying like crazy for 2 more sermons!
- The Blanchards are going to Florida for Kris doctorate graduation, hooding, etc...and I'm watching their house, kids and dog for 5 days.
- I honestly can name at least 2 more friends that are vacationing right not but I am just checking in on the one's cat a couple times, so it's not a big deal.
So starting tomorrow I am a lone pastor, single mother of 4 kids and taking care of of 3 houses.
Don't get me wrong, I truly love being able to help everyone out and I am excited that God blessed all of them with the opportunity to enjoy these trips but I am definitely feeling a little left out!
It's a good thing preparing 2 sermons is more than enough to keep me busy as an amateur preacher. And I'm sure being a single mother of 4 kids won't be boring! :)