Sunday, September 23, 2007


Jonas has preached several times this year about characters in the bible whose identities are truly found in God. And I must admit that I didn't really understand what that meant so when we were challenged to look at our own lives and check where our identities lie, I didn't really know how I apply the challenge to my life. How do you check where your identity truly lies? I am sure Jonas explained it to us and gave us some homework that would help us figure this out but I obviously didn't do my homework and here's how I know...

Let me step back for just a second and let you know (if you haven't been around me to hear me whine about this already) that I have felt lost for the last few months. This lost feeling was awful, overwhelming at times, affecting my family and I couldn't define anything about how or why or even what exactly it was that I was feeling.

Then this week I sat down for personal devotional time for the first time since we have been in our new place and probably even longer than that! (Yes, I know that a really long time and yes, I know I am a very bad girl and all that terrible stuff but that's not the point of the story, thank God!)

Very soon into this devotional time God smacked me over the head with his Captain Obvious hat and said, "You are lost because you have lost me!" Pretty dramatic right, well I had been quite the drama queen and I will humbly admit I had not given God any room in my life.

So, not that I recommend this, but if you want to find out if your identity is in Christ you could try taking Him out of your life and see if you still know who you are.